Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long Night

We (The Boss, Miss M, Master P, Jester, King, and I) rolled last night on a couple different guys. We went first to one scumbag's aunt's house, which we hit last week. She promised then to let us know if she heard anything of him, but then she apparently called some other family member and let it slip that we'd been there looking for her nephew. So we went back to impress upon her the importance of not letting anyone know we were there. She was half in the bag, and emphatically swore she wouldn't tell. That, for the moment, was the end of that.

Then we went after this one:

...and found him in his underwear on the couch. We had to mace his dog to get to the door, which is not my favorite thing to do, but it worked. Then King slipped going over the fence and cut his leg (and brand-new 5.11 pants). Got our guy to the jail and it was a (relatively) quick turn-in, coming in at about 2 hours. While we were there we got a call that our other fugitive had called his aunt and told her he was arrested. Checking the sheriffs' websites, I found him in Kern County, sho 'nuff in custody. So all that was required was what's called a "paper surrender" or "in-jail surrender." That's where we surrender a bailee on his bonds when he's already in custody. The outcome is the same as if we arrested him ourselves. So I called Kern County to confirm we could do that, and got the nod. Master P and I headed up to Bakersfield.

We arrived at around 0500 and headed straight to the jail. Master P laid on the charm, but to no avail. You can't do an in-jail surrender on an L.A. County bond at a Kern County jail, even though that's where the person is in custody. We're going to have to wait for him to be arraigned in Kern County, sentenced, then brought back to L.A., where we can surrender him. Did I mention that I confirmed on the phone that I could do it? Yes, I did. But the person on the phone, apparently, was a moron.

Finally got back to L.A. at around 1100 and crashed at the dojo. Or tried to. My phone kept waking me up. We now have an assist from the DEA on another fugitive, because they're interested in a family member. Their resources are much more extensive than ours, so we should have that one wrapped up in fairly short order now.

So now I'm sucking down Starbucks espresso and blogging, and looking forward to hitting the rack tonight at home.

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