Friday, February 11, 2011


A brief, non-inclusive list of terms used here in this blog:

1299: The now-expired law stating who can arrest and surrender fugitives.

3EI: Third Echelon Investigations

3EIFRU: Third Echelon Investigations' Fugitive Recovery Unit.

B.O.B.: Bondsman Off Bond. This is when the bailee has not yet had an FTA (See: FTA) but is in some other way not abiding by the terms of the agreement with the bondsman. He could be missing payments, missing check-ins, or the bondsman could suspect he is planning to run. The bondsman has broad authority to revoke the bond and surrender the bailee to the custody of the court.

Bailee: The person out on bond.

Bond-Out Address: The address the bailee gave as his home address on the bond. We have broad authority at that address.

Bondsman: The person who fronts the money to pay a bond.

EP: Executive Protection

FTA: Failure To Appear in court.

In-court surrender: Turning someone over to the custody of a judge in open court. The way this works is we simply let the bailiff know we want to surrender him, and when his name is called (if he's there), they take him into custody. This assumes he shows up.

Indemnitor: A person who co-signs the bond. This person is responsible for making sure the bailee abides by the terms of the agreement, including showing up in court.

IRC: Inmate Reception Center. Where we usually turn in fugitives. See: Twin Towers.

MOLLE: MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment. A method of attaching various pockets and pouches to a tactical vest or to body armor. See: PALS

PALS: Pocket Attachment Ladder System. See: MOLLE

PI: Private Investigator

Surrender: The process of turning someone over to the government. This is usually done at the jail, but can be done in court or to the coroner.

Twin Towers: The Los Angeles Central Jail. IRC is here.

WC: Workers' Compensation

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