Friday, January 28, 2011

Lesson learned

The bread and butter of the typical private investigator consists of two main types of cases: spousal infidelity and/or workers' compensation fraud. We're far from typical, but we still get some of these cases from time to time.

One infidelity case just wrapped up Wednesday night. What makes this case somewhat unique is what I learned from it. For several weeks we'd been letting the client call the shots, according to her suspicions of when he was cheating and with whom. We were burning up her money getting nothing. Wednesday afternoon we finally told her to just let us handle it our way, and she agreed.

I tailed the guy to a restaurant and got the incriminating video inside and outside, then tailed the woman to her residence to identify her. Turned out it was the same woman he'd been cheating with last year. I can't really say the client was happy, but she was more than satisfied with our work.

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